A Daily Beast writer has been slammed for calling White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders a 'butch queen' on Twitter.
In the now deleted tweet, culture writer Ira Madison wrote: 'Butch queen first time in drags at the ball.'
The slur appears to mock Sanders, who recently took over from Sean Spicer, saying she looks like a man in 'drag'. While the term 'butch queen' refers to a gay man that is 'neither extremely feminine, nor extremely masculine.'
A Daily Beast writer has been slammed for calling White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders a 'butch queen' on Twitter (pictured)
Culture writer Ira Madison (pictured) wrote: 'Butch queen first time in drags at the ball'
Madison, who has also written for GQ and New York magazine, has now deleted the tweet.
But not before it attracted fierce criticism on Twitter - much from the conservative right.
'So sexist and misogynistic comments are acceptable as long as they're aimed at Conservative women,' wrote one user on Twitter. 'Thanks for clarifying those rules.'
Dan Gainor, VP of business and culture at the Media Research Center, called the tweet 'disgusting.'
The slur appears to mock Sanders (pictured) who recently took over from Sean Spicer, saying she looks like a man in 'drag'
'Since The Daily Beast says it values 'an inclusive culture, committed to the public good,' I assume this is the last time Ira Madison III will be writing for them,' Gainor told Fox News. 'It goes to a larger point. Liberals get away with personal attacks that would ruin the careers of people on the right. This is demented, but watch how little attention it gets from the national press.'
Madison, who is gay, has not commented on his use of the homophobic slur.
Reporters have also reached out to the Daily Beast for comment.
This isn't the first time Madison's tweets have landed him in trouble.
Earlier this year, he accused Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) of using an Asian-American girl, who turned out to be his granddaughter, as a 'prop'.
The MTV News culture writer and host tweeted a picture of Sessions, who was once considered too racist to be a federal judge, with his young granddaughter sat on his lap.
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MTV host Ira Madison III has accused Jeff Sessions of using his Asian American grandchildren as 'props' during his confirmation hearings where he faces allegations of racism
Sen. Jeff Sessions awaited his turn to speak with his granddaughter on his lap. Four of the attorney general nominee's grandkids attended today's confirmation hearing
'Sessions, sir, kindly return this Asian baby to the Toys 'R' Us you stole her from,' Madison captioned the picture.
Madison added that senator's Asian American grandchildren were nothing more than a prop to show he isn't racist.
'Why is she a prop? Sessions argued for policy that in the 1880s was used to discriminate against Asian Americans,' he wrote in a followup tweet.
Sessions has repeatedly been accused of racism during his long career.
Madison wrote on Twitter there was 'no reason' for Sessions to have has Asian American granddaughter sat on his lap during the lengthy, judiciary hearing, 'other than to send an "I'm not racist message"'.
The children belong to the senator's daughter, Ruth Sessions Walk and her husband John Walk, an Asian-American man.
Madison was not alone in accusing Sessions of using his grand kids to detract from his racism allegations.
Madison (pictured) has since deleted his original tweet after a furious backlash branding him as racist. He defended his earlier tweet, saying: 'I often tell jokes, but seeing as bringing up Sessions' history of racial hatred of Asians is seen as an attack on his grandchild, I deleted'
Madison added that senator's Asian American grandchildren were nothing more than a prop to show he isn't racist
Sara David, managing editor of Complex Life magazine, tweeted: 'lol loving jeff sessions' "how can i possibly be a racist when i'm holding this nonwhite baby" moment'.
Madison has since deleted his original tweet after a furious backlash branding him as racist.
He defended his earlier tweet, saying: 'I often tell jokes, but seeing as bringing up Sessions' history of racial hatred of Asians is seen as an attack on his grandchild, I deleted.'
Madison added that it was 'sad that many don't see Sessions' legitimate history of racism as a cause for concern today, but he can deeply affect our country.'
This is not the first time Madison has made a controversial tweet about a Republican and race.
Last March, reacting to a tweet by Andrew Kirell of the Daily Beast about how former GOP presidential candidate 'Ben Carson seems to suggest he's been promised a role in a Trump administration,' Madison, who is black, replied, 'House or field?'
Don't ya love how the Left complains about the "war on women" and "bullying" but do the very things they are guilty of. BTW, Trump has several women in prominent positions.
As a liberal I tell other liberals not to use that kind of language and to only use sound arguments.
I recently got in a fight with a co-worker trying to explain that no one has committed treason since we are not in an actual war with Russia. Some people are just stupid.
We shouldn't paint all conservatives and all liberals with a broad brush. Unfortunately only the loud mouths seem to get press these days rather than the average citizen that can clearly state their views like an adult.
As a liberal I tell other liberals not to use that kind of language and to only use sound arguments.
I recently got in a fight with a co-worker trying to explain that no one has committed treason since we are not in an actual war with Russia. Some people are just stupid.
We shouldn't paint all conservatives and all liberals with a broad brush. Unfortunately only the loud mouths seem to get press these days rather than the average citizen that can clearly state their views like an adult.