These photos were taken in Alberta, Canada. Bambi & Thumper really do exist!
'What an incredible photographer to have caught these shots.
A rare Ontario treat
Beautiful Snow Moose A must see.
You probably won't see this again in your life time! Be sure to show this to your children or grandchildren.
Look behind the moose on the left.
I'm glad you came by. You never would have believed me if you hadn't seen it for yourself.
It really doesn't matter what color the outside is white chocolate or dark brown chocolate.
These animals were photographed just north of the Barber Lake on a highway near Mine Center, ON. Once in a while there is an opportunity to take in a piece of nature that you may never see. In these days of unrest and turmoil it is great to see that there is still some wondrous beauty to enjoy.
The driver is really wishing his camera was handy.
The odds of seeing an albino moose are astronomical near Mine Center, ON is even greater than astronomical. To see two of them together is nearly impossible. We wanted to share these photos with as many people as possible because you will probably never have a chance to see this rare sight again.
This is a really special treat, so enjoy the shots of a lifetime!
Received this from a friend of mine and thought you Geeks would enjoy seeing it. Karl
-- Edited by karl271 on Sunday 3rd of December 2017 09:17:35 PM
I had a terrible time trying to post this. There are a great many more pictures but the site tells me "your comment is too long" so I edited out a lot of it. But I still think you can get a good idea of some of nature in Canada....