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My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Fantabulous Friday

I don't know. 

Anywho, it's my dad's birthday, he's 71 today.

We are taking him out to his favorite Mexican restaurant tonight.

I still have no clue what to get him.

Happy Friday!


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Frozen Sucks!

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Today should be relaxing. I am off from work. DD has an ortho appt in a bit and then I have a telecon at noon for my committee stuff.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

Lily, how about a restaurant gift card?


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!


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Mmm, Mexican


Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Happy birthday to your Dad, Lily. I hope he enjoys his day!cry

My day got off to a terrible start. My phone started blowing up with texts in the middle of the night. Never a good sign.

So much for my Mom being okay. She lost the ability to walk last night. The ambulance came and took her to the hospital.

They confirmed no fractures or breaks. We don't know what's wrong.

My sister Trudy is on her way up to Y-town now.

I hope we'll get some news this afternoon.

Still praying for you granddaughter, Czech. I hope her recovery goes smoothly, from here on out.

I am stressed.cry



Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

FWM I hope for the best for your mother.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!


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Oh, so sorry. How stressful. :(


Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Thank you, my pretties.

Prayers would be


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

Status: Offline
Posts: 38325

I bet she has swelling that's causing the problem.

Gosh, hope it's nothing serious.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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Maybe a pinched nerve? Torn ligament?

Could she have had a stroke?


~At Gnome in the Kitchen~

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Lily, my thought was swelling that might have pinched some nerves.

Chef, her mind is fine. I don't think she had a stroke.

I hate to speculate. I think I'll just wait for news.

I'll let you know when I hear.


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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Prayers lifted up for your mom fwm🙏🏻 Possibly she may have bruised it or a sprain and just very stiff.



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Happy Birthday to your dad, Lily!


~At Gnome in the Kitchen~


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Dear Boss: do not expect me to pick up on all the little details and know your preferences.....then get annoyed when I question you requesting something out of the ordinary but very similar and easily confused with the usual.


Faith makes things possible, not easy

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

Trumps press conference is fantastic. He is getting out the FACTS on a border barrier. Extreme Dems are going to lose big time with their resistance. He is point out how every administration before his has tried to do that.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Posts: 13089

Lindley wrote:

Prayers lifted up for your mom fwm🙏🏻 Possibly she may have bruised it or a sprain and just very stiff.

 That's what it's sounding like, Lindley. My sister Trudy is with her. The doctors say her heart is good . No broken bones. She sat in a chair for an hour. Two therapists helped her walk to the bathroom. Her bottom is bruised and sore. A wound care gal is going to be in to see her at some point. That's the latest news . My computer is messed up , so I'm posting from my phone.  I hope this is  readable. 


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Nothing's Impossible

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Posts: 16913

Happy birthday Lily's dad.
Prayers FWM!


A person's a person no matter how small.

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

Fort Worth Mom wrote:
Lindley wrote:

Prayers lifted up for your mom fwm🙏🏻 Possibly she may have bruised it or a sprain and just very stiff.

 That's what it's sounding like, Lindley. My sister Trudy is with her. The doctors say her heart is good . No broken bones. She sat in a chair for an hour. Two therapists helped her walk to the bathroom. Her bottom is bruised and sore. A wound care gal is going to be in to see her at some point. That's the latest news . My computer is messed up , so I'm posting from my phone.  I hope this is  readable. 

 I say that is good news!


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

Status: Offline
Posts: 38325

So this happened.



Caitlyn was in the top of the house getting things down to put the Christmas stuff up, and she stumbled and her foot came through the ceiling.

Thankfully she did not fall completely through with her whole body, but her leg came through to her thigh.



A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

Need to put down sub flooring in that attic.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Give Me Grand's!

Status: Offline
Posts: 13802

FWM, praying for your mom! Hope she has a quick and easy recovery, with no further incidents. Thanks for letting us know.

Lily, Happy birthday to your dad. And ugh, on the ceiling damage. But yeah, needs some sub flooring up there.

Got the estimate on my car. Less than a thousand dollars to repair the popped bracing brackets to the rear bumper. But it's HIS to pay and by gosh, he better pay it. Insurance lady said she was glad I called the cops on that guy. He's the type of individual that would have denied hitting me.

The guy that did the collision estimate said he hopes the guy doesn't breed. ROTF. Yeah, we both know the guy and he's right. I'm glad he said it and not me though. I still thought is was funny.

Little Miss Bethany has had a good day. We are so glad to have her home again!

And the murder scene in their bathroom has been cleaned up... That's what oldest DGS said it looked like in there.

None of the kids would enter the house until dad had cleaned it up. I didn't blame them one bit. It was awful scary for those kids.

DH bought our little Miss several containers of ice cream today. She was so happy!

Finally have the Christmas tree down. Hope to get the house back to normal tomorrow and then can drag out all my quilting stuff again. Biting at the bit to start quilting again. Need my comfort zone back. ;)


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

Gee Czech, on the road to recovery on all fronts? I sure hope so.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

So taking Sonny out for a walk about 2 hours ago and suddenly a little Yorkie ran out the door from on of Sonny's buddy's houses. Another neighbor took Sonny and I and many others searched the pond area and woods for the Yorkie. couldn't find her and she is not familiar with the area, she is being dogsat. I took my car up to another area nearby and walked the wood trying to find her. No luck.

Posted on the local town FB page about her. Nothing. 10 Minutes ago received the news she was FOUND!

At least I got my exercise in hiking through the woods trying to find her.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Give Me Grand's!

Status: Offline
Posts: 13802

I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

So taking Sonny out for a walk about 2 hours ago and suddenly a little Yorkie ran out the door from on of Sonny's buddy's houses. Another neighbor took Sonny and I and many others searched the pond area and woods for the Yorkie. couldn't find her and she is not familiar with the area, she is being dogsat. I took my car up to another area nearby and walked the wood trying to find her. No luck.

Posted on the local town FB page about her. Nothing. 10 Minutes ago received the news she was FOUND!

At least I got my exercise in hiking through the woods trying to find her.

 So glad the little dog was found! YAY!

You will sleep well tonight. lol


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

Give Me Grand's!

Status: Offline
Posts: 13802

I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Gee Czech, on the road to recovery on all fronts? I sure hope so.

 It is odd that you made this reference. A friend and I were talking today about all the trauma we have both endured recently. We both came to the conclusion that it was time for us to pass the burdens of taking care of our families on to the next generation. We can finally understand how and why our own mothers backed away from the burdens and heartache. My friend referred to it as "recovering our mental health". It was like a light turned on for both of us at the same time. Yes, I can now understand why my mom backed away.

The time does come when we do need to let go. Not remove ourselves, but letting them take full control of all aspects of their journey. My friend and I are both quick to help, but it's okay to stand in the background.

Yes, I think I am ready for this next stage of life.


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

just Czech wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Gee Czech, on the road to recovery on all fronts? I sure hope so.

 It is odd that you made this reference. A friend and I were talking today about all the trauma we have both endured recently. We both came to the conclusion that it was time for us to pass the burdens of taking care of our families on to the next generation. We can finally understand how and why our own mothers backed away from the burdens and heartache. My friend referred to it as "recovering our mental health". It was like a light turned on for both of us at the same time. Yes, I can now understand why my mom backed away.

The time does come when we do need to let go. Not remove ourselves, but letting them take full control of all aspects of their journey. My friend and I are both quick to help, but it's okay to stand in the background.

Yes, I think I am ready for this next stage of life.

 Write an email to all your kids and tell them this.  Let them know how long you have been doing this and also that you need to step back.  My guess is they will get it and not have an issue with taking over.  Hugs.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Give Me Grand's!

Status: Offline
Posts: 13802

I know what to do_sometimes wrote:
just Czech wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Gee Czech, on the road to recovery on all fronts? I sure hope so.

 It is odd that you made this reference. A friend and I were talking today about all the trauma we have both endured recently. We both came to the conclusion that it was time for us to pass the burdens of taking care of our families on to the next generation. We can finally understand how and why our own mothers backed away from the burdens and heartache. My friend referred to it as "recovering our mental health". It was like a light turned on for both of us at the same time. Yes, I can now understand why my mom backed away.

The time does come when we do need to let go. Not remove ourselves, but letting them take full control of all aspects of their journey. My friend and I are both quick to help, but it's okay to stand in the background.

Yes, I think I am ready for this next stage of life.

 Write an email to all your kids and tell them this.  Let them know how long you have been doing this and also that you need to step back.  My guess is they will get it and not have an issue with taking over.  Hugs.

 I think they may instinctively already know. DS said, "I got this" the night of Miss Bethany's bleed. Yes, I think they already know. I was overwhelmed with relief when he said that.

Thank you for understanding, IKWTDS.


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

Frozen Sucks!

Status: Offline
Posts: 24384

just Czech wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:
just Czech wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Gee Czech, on the road to recovery on all fronts? I sure hope so.

 It is odd that you made this reference. A friend and I were talking today about all the trauma we have both endured recently. We both came to the conclusion that it was time for us to pass the burdens of taking care of our families on to the next generation. We can finally understand how and why our own mothers backed away from the burdens and heartache. My friend referred to it as "recovering our mental health". It was like a light turned on for both of us at the same time. Yes, I can now understand why my mom backed away.

The time does come when we do need to let go. Not remove ourselves, but letting them take full control of all aspects of their journey. My friend and I are both quick to help, but it's okay to stand in the background.

Yes, I think I am ready for this next stage of life.

 Write an email to all your kids and tell them this.  Let them know how long you have been doing this and also that you need to step back.  My guess is they will get it and not have an issue with taking over.  Hugs.

 I think they may instinctively already know. DS said, "I got this" the night of Miss Bethany's bleed. Yes, I think they already know. I was overwhelmed with relief when he said that.

Thank you for understanding, IKWTDS.

 Do you know how much I want to come out there and just take you out for fun and relief?  I feel the same way about Vette but I just sent her my hooker boots so I think she is good. 


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Give Me Grand's!

Status: Offline
Posts: 13802

I know what to do_sometimes wrote:
just Czech wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:
just Czech wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Gee Czech, on the road to recovery on all fronts? I sure hope so.

 It is odd that you made this reference. A friend and I were talking today about all the trauma we have both endured recently. We both came to the conclusion that it was time for us to pass the burdens of taking care of our families on to the next generation. We can finally understand how and why our own mothers backed away from the burdens and heartache. My friend referred to it as "recovering our mental health". It was like a light turned on for both of us at the same time. Yes, I can now understand why my mom backed away.

The time does come when we do need to let go. Not remove ourselves, but letting them take full control of all aspects of their journey. My friend and I are both quick to help, but it's okay to stand in the background.

Yes, I think I am ready for this next stage of life.

 Write an email to all your kids and tell them this.  Let them know how long you have been doing this and also that you need to step back.  My guess is they will get it and not have an issue with taking over.  Hugs.

 I think they may instinctively already know. DS said, "I got this" the night of Miss Bethany's bleed. Yes, I think they already know. I was overwhelmed with relief when he said that.

Thank you for understanding, IKWTDS.

 Do you know how much I want to come out there and just take you out for fun and relief?  I feel the same way about Vette but I just sent her my hooker boots so I think she is good. 

 Vette will look awesome in those hooker boots. smile

Talking to you is my relief. Love the heck out of you!


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

Frozen Sucks!

Status: Offline
Posts: 24384


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

Status: Offline
Posts: 38325

I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Need to put down sub flooring in that attic.

 It has it. Everywhere but that spot.



A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

Status: Offline
Posts: 38325

Glad everyone is getting better.

Dinner with dad was nice.

I have so much to do tomorrow.

Caitlyn went home extremely sore and bruised, but will ok.

I'm battling a stomach bug.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

On the bright side...... Christmas is coming! (Mod)

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lilyofcourse wrote:

So this happened.



Caitlyn was in the top of the house getting things down to put the Christmas stuff up, and she stumbled and her foot came through the ceiling.

Thankfully she did not fall completely through with her whole body, but her leg came through to her thigh.


 Haven't you always wanted to put a hanging light right there to have a reading nook?  One with a pretty ceiling medallion?




I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. 

Great cook-happy wife-superb fisherman

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Posts: 4846

"And the murder scene in their
bathroom has been cleaned up... "

Czech ~
If you ever have to clean up a
bloody scene again, use a hint
I got from an ER nurse a couple
of years ago, and call a company
called "Serv Pro". They are all
over the U.S. and are well
versed in cleaning up bloody
accidents. After they are
through, you'd never know
anything had happened.

I love helping people

Nothing's Impossible

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Posts: 16913

Serv Pro is a good idea! I'm glad it was cleaned up.
Goodness lily, I'm so glad your DD wasn't badly injured!


A person's a person no matter how small.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

Status: Offline
Posts: 38325

Lawyerlady wrote:
lilyofcourse wrote:

So this happened.



Caitlyn was in the top of the house getting things down to put the Christmas stuff up, and she stumbled and her foot came through the ceiling.

Thankfully she did not fall completely through with her whole body, but her leg came through to her thigh.


 Haven't you always wanted to put a hanging light right there to have a reading nook?  One with a pretty ceiling medallion?

 I have always thought a vaulted ceiling would be nice. 



A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

Status: Offline
Posts: 38325

Southern_Belle wrote:

Serv Pro is a good idea! I'm glad it was cleaned up.
Goodness lily, I'm so glad your DD wasn't badly injured!

 Thank you.



A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Give Me Grand's!

Status: Offline
Posts: 13802

Momala wrote:

"And the murder scene in their
bathroom has been cleaned up... "

Czech ~
If you ever have to clean up a
bloody scene again, use a hint
I got from an ER nurse a couple
of years ago, and call a company
called "Serv Pro". They are all
over the U.S. and are well
versed in cleaning up bloody
accidents. After they are
through, you'd never know
anything had happened.

 Thank you for the hint, Momala. I sincerely hope we never have to deal with another bloody mess like that again. Dad really did do an amazing job of getting the blood off the walls, floor, sink, and mirrors. Projectile vomiting with that much blood makes for one heck of a mess. Sorry about all the gory details.


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

Give Me Grand's!

Status: Offline
Posts: 13802

Lily, hope your DD isn't too badly bruised today and I hope you are feeling better.


I drink coffee so I don't kill you.

I quilt so I don't kill you.

Do you see a theme?

Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.

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