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My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Thursday thunder

It's off in the distance, but it's there. 

Happy Thursday.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

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Meant to be in the office today but I've been working since 6:30 so no time now to drive in. I have so much work.

Tonight is the memorial service for Katie thyne, the officer killed in Newport News. DD is singing at the memorial at the high school.

An air force captain that also graduated from our high school was killed in Afghanistan. Two graduates in one week. When I dropped DD off at 6 this morning, news crews were already set up across from the school.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!


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We had thunder, but the rain
skirted all the way around us.

I love helping people


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Sad to hear, IKWTDS!

I'm going to a retirement party. I wish it were mine!



Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Chilly and drab out today.

Kind of matches my mood.

I made a Vet appointment for Shop Cat at 6:30. She's gotten so thin. I'm worried.cry

Still watching The Tennis. I was sad to see Rafa lose. And, then Roger. But, I'm happy Kenin is still in it!

I hope everyone has a good


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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Oh, no! Shop Cat! Keep us updated!


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

Hope shopcat is ok. 


I need to make Monster an appointment for grooming. 




A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Thank you, my friends.

This could just be old age catching up with her. She's not showing any signs of being in pain. And, she's still playful.

But, Shop Cat always had a sturdy build. She always came in right around 12 pounds. Now, I'd be surprised if she weighs 8.

She looks that skinny to me.

I've been giving her extra people food, to try to get some meat on her. She likes getting a scrambled egg. Or some tuna, or chicken.

It's just time for a check up. I'm sure the Vet will have some advice for us.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Great cook-happy wife-superb fisherman

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Best wishes for Shop Cat

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Good afternoon! Watching my boys today, getting ready for the baby shower this weekend, feeling pretty tired right now. Hello lily, Trudy, momala, fnw,fwm, and ikwtd. So sad when a community loses their young people and especially for service to guard and protect, A huge honor for your daughter and fellow students to honor the fallen officer and her family.

Fnw, I looked forward to retire and even though I wouldn’t change anything I found myself feeling a little sad. I guess because that chapter of my life is over, I did retired early to watch my grand boys and no regrets. Hope I hope shop cat feels better soon fwm



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Thanks, Lindley. I say I'm ready now, but when the time comes we'll see how I feel.

So they had a pep rally at school today and #1, who has emotional meltdowns at these big loud events, wore sound cancelling headphones that I bought for him and he did real well. Even enjoyed himself. Even took them off to participate in the basketball drills that the students and parents were cheering on. And no one commented on his headphones or even noticed. Whew.



Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Thanks Momala.

I know they can tell a lot with just taking a blood sample.

My gut feeling, is, Shop Cat has diabetes. And, putting her on an Rx diet, could help.

I'm trying not to think of worse things, that can't be treated.

Anyway, it's pointless to torture myself, right? We should know later on tonight, after her check-up.

I will keep you posted!

Keep those good thoughts coming, please!smile


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

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I've scheduled my first EMDR for allergy relief session for mid-Feb. A last ditch effort to avoid the weekly shots for three years. Expensive in the short term, but overall cheaper than the shots.

We shall see how it works. The allergy protocol is new and generally applied to toxins or chemical allergies; we're using me as a test case for severe environmental allergy. Because I don't trust EMDR therapists to 'do it right' (which I will have to EMDR first) I contacted the expert in the field who developed the technique and asked for her thoughts on an enviornmental application. She thought maybe it would work, but had very few success cases with toxins because it was new. However, apparently 75% of clients have had full resolution. And she gave me a point or two on how to adapt to environment. So I forwarded that to the provider, just to help her 'do it right'.

I have to admit, I'm a little scared of this. Opening up neural networks can have unexpected side effects.



Not today, Satan.  Not today.

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Fort Worth Mom wrote:

Thanks Momala.

I know they can tell a lot with just taking a blood sample.

My gut feeling, is, Shop Cat has diabetes. And, putting her on an Rx diet, could help.

I'm trying not to think of worse things, that can't be treated.

Anyway, it's pointless to torture myself, right? We should know later on tonight, after her check-up.

I will keep you posted!

Keep those good thoughts coming, please!smile

 I had a diabetic kitty. He would pee so much we had to change litter because the clumping kind would just turn to goo. We found paper or pine litter was the best. He had special food and insulin twice a day. If he is diabetic don't get about injections,  it's actually really easy. 


A person's a person no matter how small.

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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And, the news is grim, on Shop Cat.cry

She's down to 5.15 pounds.

And her thyroid level, is off the chart.

Normal for a cat, is 2 or3. Shop Cat is at 19.

She's dying. And there is no good treatment, to save her.

The medicine that the Vet told us about, has so many nasty side effects, I don't think we want to try it. I don't want her to spend her last days, in misery.

I think, we will just spoil her, with lots of good food.

And, if she starts showing signs of distress, we will do the humane thing.

But, for now, she is happy, and playful. We don't want to ruin it for her.

She only has a couple of months, to live.

We can think this over, for a few days. But, I really don't want her to suffer. And, it sounds like that's what the medication would do.

(Side effects are vomiting, loose stools, itching, etc.) Well, she's wasting away....but she's not suffering from any of those things!

I think I'm at peace with this decision. I think Wayne is, too.

Shop Cat is 15, at best. She might be 16 or 17. We don't know, for sure. But, she is an old cat.wink

I think we are doing the right thing. I pray, that we are.


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

Sorry FWM, You are doing the right thing, but hugs


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384

If anyone wants to watch this vigil for Katie Thyne. Also DD sings in the chorus, about 20 minutes in. A nice tribute.[0]=68.ARDdbAsot0muYXa8WeLXLmOK-1yTnUQOgKAEN31P70wwb8Wm0iaJSeGVjneltNmJFyuFZHuUDjyHaB08VJvaEiykLPssNRPJ_YZP8VmCBOkNSx_NwztIyDLSshKHflpc91gLwjJmZfvQT_WIeMfJ1eCsXSURelUck-NTrtDzBJtgk7RJ6UuIPX-58JtTAaEER3MfvYpGuMM-NXttoga7LiUYyHJPqs0wpnUMYMr51Fk2lIKcDXPr1oloIZTOvaUa928W60-ZlfPW24S8lUIq_s8xqW8qPD6lxuojLwurJ1HSOWtcifKEr4nh3zftLndvZxzabAm9tIIEi_kZj-_NJQ&__tn__=K-R


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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I'm probably, the only person on the planet, who isn't on Facebook.

And, I don't plan to join.

Is there a YouTube video of the service, that I could watch?wink


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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FWM, I know what you are going through as we lost our cat of 20 years a year or so ago. She just went peacefully one evening without having any apparent pain or suffering. I hope Shop Cat can go the same way.

I think you are doing the right thing keeping her at home, feeding her what she like and can eat and generally enjoying her in the time she has left. Absolutely nothing I can say to help you get through this. You have my thoughts....


Just take it easy and think it over.


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Hugs, FWM! I'm sorry to hear about Shop Cat! Lots of love to you all and give her some hugs and belly rubs for me.

And, no, you're not the only person not on FB. I'm not either.


Frozen Sucks!

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Posts: 24384


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!


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Posts: 10458

Fort Worth Mom wrote:

And, the news is grim, on Shop Cat.cry

She's down to 5.15 pounds.

And her thyroid level, is off the chart.

Normal for a cat, is 2 or3. Shop Cat is at 19.

She's dying. And there is no good treatment, to save her.

The medicine that the Vet told us about, has so many nasty side effects, I don't think we want to try it. I don't want her to spend her last days, in misery.

I think, we will just spoil her, with lots of good food.

And, if she starts showing signs of distress, we will do the humane thing.

But, for now, she is happy, and playful. We don't want to ruin it for her.

She only has a couple of months, to live.

We can think this over, for a few days. But, I really don't want her to suffer. And, it sounds like that's what the medication would do.

(Side effects are vomiting, loose stools, itching, etc.) Well, she's wasting away....but she's not suffering from any of those things!

I think I'm at peace with this decision. I think Wayne is, too.

Shop Cat is 15, at best. She might be 16 or 17. We don't know, for sure. But, she is an old cat.wink

I think we are doing the right thing. I pray, that we are.

 Huge hugs!  You spoil her rotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I 100% agree with your plan.



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Fort Worth Mom wrote:

I'm probably, the only person on the planet, who isn't on Facebook.

And, I don't plan to join.

Is there a YouTube video of the service, that I could watch?wink

 I was on for 1 day.  To torment my brother.  Lots of laughs then deleted it.


Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

Thank you! 


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Great cook-happy wife-superb fisherman

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Sending hugs and smooches to
Shop Cat. She knows she's
loved. Be at peace with your
decision - its right.

I love helping people

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Momala wrote:

Sending hugs and smooches to
Shop Cat. She knows she's
loved. Be at peace with your
decision - its right.

Thank you, Momala. I feel, in my heart, we are doing what's best for Shop Cat.

I ran up to Buc-ee's today, and got her some Beaver Nuggets. Yes, it's junk food. But, Wayne told me, she loves it!wink

We just want her last days, to be as pleasant, as possible. 

She's had, a long, and interesting life. I want to make her last days, as nice as I possibly


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

Status: Offline
Posts: 38325

I'm sorry about shop cat. I can't imagine how this feels.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Posts: 13089

lilyofcourse wrote:

I'm sorry about shop cat. I can't imagine how this feels.

Lily, you probably can.

I know you have lost some well loved pets, in the past.

It's sad. It stinks.

But, we have to look at the bright side. Shop Cat has had, a long, fun life.

No one, lives forever.

I don't want to try to prolong her life, and make it miserable, when there is no hope.

So, we make the best of the time, she has left. Spoil her rotten. And, when she shows signs of distress, do the right thing for her.

Right? It's the best we can 


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Great cook-happy wife-superb fisherman

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Posts: 4846

Shop Cat knows - KNOWS - that
you have loved her from the get
go. She has had a better life
with you than she could have
had with anyone else.

When the time comes, bundle her
up in a comfortable blanket, and
cuddle her as much as she will
tolerate. And have a small treat
of her most favorite food when
you have to bring her to the
Vet. She'll cross the Rainbow
Bridge knowing how much you
cared about her.


I love helping people


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Fort Worth Mom wrote:

And, the news is grim, on Shop Cat.cry

She's down to 5.15 pounds.

And her thyroid level, is off the chart.

Normal for a cat, is 2 or3. Shop Cat is at 19.

She's dying. And there is no good treatment, to save her.

The medicine that the Vet told us about, has so many nasty side effects, I don't think we want to try it. I don't want her to spend her last days, in misery.

I think, we will just spoil her, with lots of good food.

And, if she starts showing signs of distress, we will do the humane thing.

But, for now, she is happy, and playful. We don't want to ruin it for her.

She only has a couple of months, to live.

We can think this over, for a few days. But, I really don't want her to suffer. And, it sounds like that's what the medication would do.

(Side effects are vomiting, loose stools, itching, etc.) Well, she's wasting away....but she's not suffering from any of those things!

I think I'm at peace with this decision. I think Wayne is, too.

Shop Cat is 15, at best. She might be 16 or 17. We don't know, for sure. But, she is an old cat.wink

I think we are doing the right thing. I pray, that we are.

 I just now saw your post and I’m very sorry to hear this.  she has been well loved and taken cared of and knows this.


Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Posts: 13089

Thanks, everyone! Your kind words of support are greatly appreciated!

Hugs to you all!smile


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!

Nothing's Impossible

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Posts: 16913

I'm sorry FWM. Shop cat had a great life. 


A person's a person no matter how small.

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