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Police State Dry Run a Huge Success

Police State Dry Run a Huge Success

By Carol Brown

17-21 minutes

When the coronavirus landed on our shores, communist China came with it.


We have become part of a mass scale human experiment in government control and it turned out that stripping away our freedom wasn’t all that difficult. Under the guise of concern for our health and well-being, tyrants came out of the woodwork.  Our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our lives are being destroyed as the left solidifies and expands their oppressive powers. We’ve been herded around like cattle, threatened, isolated, confined, silenced, and arrested. You name it, it’s happening.


You tell me if what follows sounds like the United States, or China.


We’ve been told who can work and who can’t, with language that separates us according to who is and who isn’t “essential” as the almighty State supersedes individual rights and the family unit.


We’ve been physically and verbally harassed, threatened, fined, detained, arrested, jailed, and/or placed in forced quarantine. Business licenses have been revoked. Going to work without the permission of the government is now a crime. So is going to the park or a beach. Children playing together is also in defiance of the government. So is placing flags on the graves of veterans. The list of infractions goes on and on and on and on. Examples read like the manifesto of a demented madman. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)




A talking drone warns Savannah, GA residents to maintain social distancing  (YouTube screen grab)


Stay home. Do not go out. Do not earn money. Do not pay your bills, feed your family, maintain your credit rating, live your life. Do not make a single move without permission from the State or you will be punished.


Do not dare go to church. They have been shut down, some threatened with permanent closure. Even services that maintained social distancing were not tolerated. (here, here, here, here, here)


Religion cannot thrive in a totalitarian state, as the state must reign supreme.


Meanwhile, as churches are closed, jails are opened -- criminals are released en masse, including child predators, rapists, and murderers. Prisoners, wise to the ruse, are now intentionally infecting themselves so they can be released early. And the left can’t get enough of it. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


In several places, our right to protest has been stripped away as has our right to promote protests. Tech tyrants are involved, shutting down social media for those trying to spread the word about peaceful gatherings. The Bill of Rights has been set on fire and tossed off the top of a skyscraper as a police state rushes in. (here, here, here, here, here, here)


We’ve been subjected to inhumane separations, as the oldest among us are left to suffer alone in nursing homes, senior care facilities, and hospitals where there is often an impenetrable wall of secrecy surrounding patients.


Meanwhile, “contact tracing” has become the next frontier to advance the police state as fascist tech gets in on the act, tracking our every move. The government will hunt you down, find you, and force you and other members of your household to stay in your home, even if there’s no food in the house. The quarantine cycle could leave an entire household locked up for weeks and weeks on end, with no end in sight as we are essentially placed under house arrest. Strategies for how to identify people who’ve met certain criteria have been discussed, including government issued armbands. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


To help the government keep us in line, we’ve been encouraged to snitch on our neighbors and hotlines have been set up for us to do just that. (here, here, here, here, here)


And in keeping with the good for me, but not for thee reality of all oppressive regimes, many prominent leftists have broken their own rules so they could meet their lover, go golfing, take a walk with their family, get a haircut, and so on, all the while pointing their fingers and admonishing us little people to stay inside and do as we’re told. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


For the most part, law enforcement has been willing to follow these tyrannical orders, often with multiple officers arriving on the scene.


As for the American Civil Liberties Union, not only are they missing in action, they’re part of the cabal of tyrants with upside down values, evidenced by the message featured on their home page which states their priorities as follows:


“…protect voting rights, demand that vulnerable people in prisons, jails and immigration detention centers be released, and fight to ensure reproductive health care remains open and accessible to all who need it…”


In other words, voter fraud, prisoner release, illegal invader released, and abortion. (here)


All of this unfolds against the backdrop of an aggressive media campaign to parrot China’s talking points, replete with lavish praise for the communist regime that waged war against the entire world. There’s been a cascade of fools eager to align themselves with WHO and China, including many prominent individuals. The rush to embrace our enemies has resulted in silencing speech, as words such as “Wuhan flu” are deemed “hate speech.” Punishment to be determined. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


And while the lust for power underpins this shocking spectacle, it’s wrapped up in the guise of “safety.” Who could possibly question a doctor in a white coat touting such an idea? No good totalitarian regime would be without its idealized worldview to sell fools down the river.


And so we’ve sailed, as our economy has collapsed, Americans have been controlled, law enforcement has complied, and people are bombarded with fearful messages every hour of every day – messages riddled with distorted information and lies, from bogus models to inflated mortality rates and everything in between, all of which serve to strengthen the left’s case against Trump while corrupt hospital administrators rake in money from cooking the books on cause of death. But perhaps more than that, it’s easier to control people who feel desperate and afraid. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


An exhausted and increasingly impoverished populace does not a healthy nation make. In fact, if you think this is bad, what could await is even more terrifying. As Dennis Praeger wrote in March:


…Economic disasters rarely remain only economic disasters. To give a particularly dramatic example, the Nazis came to power because of economics more than any other single reason…Nazi success at the polls was almost entirely related to the Weimar economy. Communist parties don’t fare well in robust economies, but they’re very tempting when people are in dire economic straits. Only God knows what economic dislocation the shutting down of American and other Western economies will lead to. I am not predicting a Nazi or communist ascendancy, but economic and political disaster may be as likely, or even more likely, than a health disaster.


It is quite apparent by now that even if the most horrific scenario as described above does not unfold, we have already sealed our fate with respect to a disaster of monumental proportions that runs the gamut from increased drug and alcohol addiction, increased domestic violence, suicide, and avoidance of medical care, among other concerns. Tragically, the things that put human beings at risk for many of these dire outcomes are the very things that are being thrust upon us: unemployment and isolation. At the same time, one of the most powerful forces that serves as a protective factor offering comfort and hope has been denied us, as Americans have been barred from attending church.  (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


As for the oft-cited idea that we are at war with an invisible enemy, I would say, no, we are not. When nations go to war, they do so to defend their culture and way of life. Instead, we are destroying ours.


But there is a war being waged. The left is determined to take this nation down and the perfect time arrived to go in for the kill. Maximum suffering, pain, and destruction is on the menu and they’re serving it up every day as they plunge small towns, cities, counties, and states into protracted lockdowns and shifting goalposts.


The scale of human suffering and the long-term effects of this are incalculable. They will not be seasonal, like a virus. They will be long-lasting. And the left cares not a bit.


There is one thing and one thing only they desire: power. And they’re having at it. So far, the police state has been a wild success.


When the coronavirus landed on our shores, communist China came with it.


We have become part of a mass scale human experiment in government control and it turned out that stripping away our freedom wasn’t all that difficult. Under the guise of concern for our health and well-being, tyrants came out of the woodwork.  Our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our lives are being destroyed as the left solidifies and expands their oppressive powers. We’ve been herded around like cattle, threatened, isolated, confined, silenced, and arrested. You name it, it’s happening.


You tell me if what follows sounds like the United States, or China.


We’ve been told who can work and who can’t, with language that separates us according to who is and who isn’t “essential” as the almighty State supersedes individual rights and the family unit.


We’ve been physically and verbally harassed, threatened, fined, detained, arrested, jailed, and/or placed in forced quarantine. Business licenses have been revoked. Going to work without the permission of the government is now a crime. So is going to the park or a beach. Children playing together is also in defiance of the government. So is placing flags on the graves of veterans. The list of infractions goes on and on and on and on. Examples read like the manifesto of a demented madman. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)




A talking drone warns Savannah, GA residents to maintain social distancing  (YouTube screen grab)


Stay home. Do not go out. Do not earn money. Do not pay your bills, feed your family, maintain your credit rating, live your life. Do not make a single move without permission from the State or you will be punished.


Do not dare go to church. They have been shut down, some threatened with permanent closure. Even services that maintained social distancing were not tolerated. (here, here, here, here, here)


Religion cannot thrive in a totalitarian state, as the state must reign supreme.


Meanwhile, as churches are closed, jails are opened -- criminals are released en masse, including child predators, rapists, and murderers. Prisoners, wise to the ruse, are now intentionally infecting themselves so they can be released early. And the left can’t get enough of it. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


In several places, our right to protest has been stripped away as has our right to promote protests. Tech tyrants are involved, shutting down social media for those trying to spread the word about peaceful gatherings. The Bill of Rights has been set on fire and tossed off the top of a skyscraper as a police state rushes in. (here, here, here, here, here, here)


We’ve been subjected to inhumane separations, as the oldest among us are left to suffer alone in nursing homes, senior care facilities, and hospitals where there is often an impenetrable wall of secrecy surrounding patients.


Meanwhile, “contact tracing” has become the next frontier to advance the police state as fascist tech gets in on the act, tracking our every move. The government will hunt you down, find you, and force you and other members of your household to stay in your home, even if there’s no food in the house. The quarantine cycle could leave an entire household locked up for weeks and weeks on end, with no end in sight as we are essentially placed under house arrest. Strategies for how to identify people who’ve met certain criteria have been discussed, including government issued armbands. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


To help the government keep us in line, we’ve been encouraged to snitch on our neighbors and hotlines have been set up for us to do just that. (here, here, here, here, here)


And in keeping with the good for me, but not for thee reality of all oppressive regimes, many prominent leftists have broken their own rules so they could meet their lover, go golfing, take a walk with their family, get a haircut, and so on, all the while pointing their fingers and admonishing us little people to stay inside and do as we’re told. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


For the most part, law enforcement has been willing to follow these tyrannical orders, often with multiple officers arriving on the scene.


As for the American Civil Liberties Union, not only are they missing in action, they’re part of the cabal of tyrants with upside down values, evidenced by the message featured on their home page which states their priorities as follows:


“…protect voting rights, demand that vulnerable people in prisons, jails and immigration detention centers be released, and fight to ensure reproductive health care remains open and accessible to all who need it…”


In other words, voter fraud, prisoner release, illegal invader released, and abortion. (here)


All of this unfolds against the backdrop of an aggressive media campaign to parrot China’s talking points, replete with lavish praise for the communist regime that waged war against the entire world. There’s been a cascade of fools eager to align themselves with WHO and China, including many prominent individuals. The rush to embrace our enemies has resulted in silencing speech, as words such as “Wuhan flu” are deemed “hate speech.” Punishment to be determined. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


And while the lust for power underpins this shocking spectacle, it’s wrapped up in the guise of “safety.” Who could possibly question a doctor in a white coat touting such an idea? No good totalitarian regime would be without its idealized worldview to sell fools down the river.


And so we’ve sailed, as our economy has collapsed, Americans have been controlled, law enforcement has complied, and people are bombarded with fearful messages every hour of every day – messages riddled with distorted information and lies, from bogus models to inflated mortality rates and everything in between, all of which serve to strengthen the left’s case against Trump while corrupt hospital administrators rake in money from cooking the books on cause of death. But perhaps more than that, it’s easier to control people who feel desperate and afraid. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


An exhausted and increasingly impoverished populace does not a healthy nation make. In fact, if you think this is bad, what could await is even more terrifying. As Dennis Praeger wrote in March:


…Economic disasters rarely remain only economic disasters. To give a particularly dramatic example, the Nazis came to power because of economics more than any other single reason…Nazi success at the polls was almost entirely related to the Weimar economy. Communist parties don’t fare well in robust economies, but they’re very tempting when people are in dire economic straits. Only God knows what economic dislocation the shutting down of American and other Western economies will lead to. I am not predicting a Nazi or communist ascendancy, but economic and political disaster may be as likely, or even more likely, than a health disaster.


It is quite apparent by now that even if the most horrific scenario as described above does not unfold, we have already sealed our fate with respect to a disaster of monumental proportions that runs the gamut from increased drug and alcohol addiction, increased domestic violence, suicide, and avoidance of medical care, among other concerns. Tragically, the things that put human beings at risk for many of these dire outcomes are the very things that are being thrust upon us: unemployment and isolation. At the same time, one of the most powerful forces that serves as a protective factor offering comfort and hope has been denied us, as Americans have been barred from attending church.  (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


As for the oft-cited idea that we are at war with an invisible enemy, I would say, no, we are not. When nations go to war, they do so to defend their culture and way of life. Instead, we are destroying ours.


But there is a war being waged. The left is determined to take this nation down and the perfect time arrived to go in for the kill. Maximum suffering, pain, and destruction is on the menu and they’re serving it up every day as they plunge small towns, cities, counties, and states into protracted lockdowns and shifting goalposts.


The scale of human suffering and the long-term effects of this are incalculable. They will not be seasonal, like a virus. They will be long-lasting. And the left cares not a bit.


There is one thing and one thing only they desire: power. And they’re having at it. So far, the police state has been a wild success.




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That about sums it all up. Our agency has set up a snitch hotline, too, for non compliers.

Tonight I will be giving a bras d'honneur to our governor by openly going to the neighboring state where we will enjoy some fine dining indoors.



Nothing's Impossible

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South Carolina failed miserably at staying home. Lots of things were closed but everyone was still out and about.


A person's a person no matter how small.


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And yet, if you point that out to some people, they will tell you you're being selfish. The sheeple are too content to follow government officials right down to the train station to board the trains to virus-free camps. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat.

It's shocking to me how many people bought into the fearmongering and crap from the media and willfully handed over their freedoms. Sure, take it serious. Be cautious. One should be cautious around infectious diseases regardless of which disease it is. But, a sterile environment isn't good for our bodies long term. Those who bathed in Lysol will have weaker immune systems on the other side of this crap.


~At Gnome in the Kitchen~

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Georgia did fine. First to reopen. Virus kept under control enough to keep healthcare and first responders able to deal with it. Students are doing well with homeschooling, better than scores than public schools. I'd say the state of Georgia did a dang good job, and our rights are still in tact.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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lilyofcourse wrote:

Georgia did fine. First to reopen. Virus kept under control enough to keep healthcare and first responders able to deal with it. Students are doing well with homeschooling, better than scores than public schools. I'd say the state of Georgia did a dang good job, and our rights are still in tact.

 I agree.  I think your State did do a very good job.  I cannot say the same for Pennsylvania.



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They didn’t totally win, Win you see a huge upset in California where a Republican won a seat over a Democrat, and see thousands protesting this across the country, we will see in November.



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I mean that was my point Lilly. Your State was able to manage it without a severe lockdown. We are still locked down here. People are losing their businesses. In my county we have had 7 cases and 0 deaths.


My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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There have been 17 deaths in my county as a result of Covid-19 complications.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.


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The difference is whether the governor is a republican or Democrat. The democratic states needs federal funds and I believe they are purposely trying to kill their state’s economy to get those funds. The idiot in Michigan gave June 12 as deadline to open, I bet she will extend it longer.


Frozen Sucks!

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Lindley wrote:

The difference is whether the governor is a republican or Democrat. The democratic states needs federal funds and I believe they are purposely trying to kill their state’s economy to get those funds. The idiot in Michigan gave June 12 as deadline to open, I bet she will extend it longer.



Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!


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I was in full support of the shutdown in March. It seemed very scary. We did not really know what was happening in China but it seemed to be something big and very serious. I was so glad my son came home from college and that DD didn't 'have to go to school and that DH went to online work and I was furloughed. I supported all of that through the end of March which bought TIME for the doctors to understand the situation. And, i a few weeks, they really began to get a handle on it. I did not mind the lock down even to mid April. However at that point, it became clear that the projections were way off. That the virulence and infectiousness of this was not what they thought it would be. That the at risk populations were the ones who really need to be quarantined. And even past mid April we all remained patient. But, when there were only 7 cases in our county with 0 deaths and then your local hospitals lay off 600+ then something is amiss. ANd, it has become clear that our Gov really really likes the reins of power and that this is simply a power play pissing contest at this point.



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One thing i have learned about GOVT over the course of my life is that GOVT is not and cannot be REASONABLE nor act in ways that are common sense. So, we really have to be diligent to fight the idiocy and overreach.


Frozen Sucks!

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Lady Gaga Snerd wrote:

I was in full support of the shutdown in March. It seemed very scary. We did not really know what was happening in China but it seemed to be something big and very serious. I was so glad my son came home from college and that DD didn't 'have to go to school and that DH went to online work and I was furloughed. I supported all of that through the end of March which bought TIME for the doctors to understand the situation. And, i a few weeks, they really began to get a handle on it. I did not mind the lock down even to mid April. However at that point, it became clear that the projections were way off. That the virulence and infectiousness of this was not what they thought it would be. That the at risk populations were the ones who really need to be quarantined. And even past mid April we all remained patient. But, when there were only 7 cases in our county with 0 deaths and then your local hospitals lay off 600+ then something is amiss. ANd, it has become clear that our Gov really really likes the reins of power and that this is simply a power play pissing contest at this point.

 This is my thought as well.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!



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I want to vacation in Georgia to show my support.



My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Well, if you drive down, and you're on I-75, let me know when you hit Dalton. I'll meet you in town!


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Seriously, Atlanta has a lot of stuff to do.

Aquarium, museums, Six Flags, Stone Mountain, movie sets, tours. Tons of stuff.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.

My dog name is, Sasha!

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Damn I miss 6 Flags.



Not today, Satan.  Not today.

My spirit animal is a pink flamingo.

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Posts: 38325

I haven't been since 1994.

My now ex husband and I drove down early one morning, we bought our tickets, rode the Ninja roller coaster. I got so sick he had to practically carry me to the car. We were there a whole hour. I found out 2 days later I was 7 weeks pregnant with Caitlyn.


A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.



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We have a 6 flags near us and we used to have season passes. #2 isn't a big rollercoaster person but #1 is. I send DH on most of the rides, as I get sick. Taking ginger ahead of time helps, but I can only take so much. Weird, because as a kid, I went on everything, the dizzier the better. Not so much anymore.



My dog name is, Sasha!

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I remember one that make me so dizzy I almost passed out on it.



Not today, Satan.  Not today.

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