So the Post ran an article today about Trump using Nazi symbols in his campaign ads on FB and how FB blocked the adds. EXCEPT the article is a rerun from March. In March Trump did use the symbols but was playing off antifa that were in fact using the symbols. Trump baited the liberal media and won. They screamed about the symbols saying it proved Trump was a Nazi. Of course it was antifa that first used the symbols and Trump brilliantly pointed it out.
I think it's hysterical that his antics are showing a serious light on how the Dems are operating now.
A HS friend posted about Trump using the symbols today. I copied the Post article into the comments and reminds her it was a rerun and an example of Trump baiting the libs and how antifa used the symbols. No response. I have probably been unfriended. LOL
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Maybe being unfriended with someone like that is a good thing? lol I remember going through the 2008 and 2012 elections with a friend who was so much against Obama, not because he's black but because of his policies, etc. We had awesome discussion regarding it back then. Now, I'm not sure what happened but I think his mind's been invaded by some alien cult-like form because he is rabid about Trump. I try to remind him about our conversations back then and he denies them. He sings Obama's, and the DNC's, praises like they're walking on water. Drives me nuts!!!