I need to get Huey into the Vet...again. I don't know what's wrong. He's not peeing anywhere he shouldn't. But, he seems to be in pain. He screams, out of the blue...just lets out a scream.
This started last night. Sigh. Fingers crossed they can figure it out.
I hope everyone has a good day. Mine is probably going to suck.
They did the procedure to unplug him. He'll be staying overnight, getting IV fluids and meds. He'll probably come home tomorrow.
That's the good news. Sort of.
The bad news is, the fix is temporary. There's no good long term treatment or cure, for the kind of bladder problem Huey has. So, all I did, was buy him some time.
The next time this happens, and sadly, it will...we will have to put him down.
I guess we will just love him, and spoil him, for whatever time he has left. (No way to know. Weeks? Months? No real clue on a time line. I just know that he can't go on like this.)
And damn, do I ever dread giving Wayne the news. He's going to be beyond bummed.
I’m so sorry fwm 🌹it’s so hard to see our fur babies suffer, always know that he knows he is loved and you gave him a happy home.
I think I’ve been robbed, I have noticed quite a bit of my jewelry has been missing last night, thought maybe I misplaced a couple, then I noticed some earrings, and a few more necklaces are missing, I can’t believe they didn’t take my rings. Nothing else has been taken.
I’m so sorry fwm 🌹it’s so hard to see our fur babies suffer, always know that he knows he is loved and you gave him a happy home.
I think I’ve been robbed, I have noticed quite a bit of my jewelry has been missing last night, thought maybe I misplaced a couple, then I noticed some earrings, and a few more necklaces are missing, I can’t believe they didn’t take my rings. Nothing else has been taken.
Thanks, Lindley. I appreciate your kind thoughts.
Oh my gosh! Do you have any idea who might have stolen them? It seems odd, that nothing else was taken.
I’m so sorry fwm 🌹it’s so hard to see our fur babies suffer, always know that he knows he is loved and you gave him a happy home.
I think I’ve been robbed, I have noticed quite a bit of my jewelry has been missing last night, thought maybe I misplaced a couple, then I noticed some earrings, and a few more necklaces are missing, I can’t believe they didn’t take my rings. Nothing else has been taken.
Thanks, Lindley. I appreciate your kind thoughts.
Oh my gosh! Do you have any idea who might have stolen them? It seems odd, that nothing else was taken.
I'm so sorry this happened to you.
I’m going to talk to my cleaning lady today, I don believe it was her, but sometimes when she does a deep cleaning she will get somebody to help her. When we got home our alarm wasn’t set and our bolt on our front door was upside down, like someone taken it out and put it in wrong so our door was unlocked. We thought the key got stuck and she tried to fix it. it hurts because not only were they mine, I was planning on leave them to my granddaughter. I haven’t told my husband yet, I want to talk to her first to get all the information and then call my husband to come home to check our security cameras.
Gosh, I'm sooooo sorry about the Huey news. Our furbabies are everything to us but he had a wonderful home with you and Wayne. Give him a big hug and kisses from me.
Geez, Lindley! I hope you can figure it out and get them back! I'm sure they were taking things a little at a time so you wouldn't notice them as quickly. The rings might have been next!
Not much going on here with me. I'm almost done rock hunting. Should finish it up this weekend. I want to get a lot though because once I plant the bulbs, I also want to put some around where they are for the design. Come to think of it, I may be rock hunting for a long time! lol
I have the weekend off but have to work half a shift Monday so should be home before noon. YAY for that.
Hello, I did talk to her and it was a relative that did it, she was so embarrassed and heartbroken (my housekeeper)They apparently tried to make it look like a break in. I did find out where they sold it and fortunately I know the owners. I did purchase them back at what they paid for it and keeping the copy of the inventory in case we press charges. I’m thinking of making them pay me back. This person has been having what sounds to me like a mental meltdown so I want this person to get help, I don’t think she has insurance, she lives from paycheck to paycheck. She has cleaned for me almost 15 years and never once did she even snitched a penny. I will see how this person steps up, I hurt for my essential, she is a friend and almost like family.
Hello, I did talk to her and it was a relative that did it, she was so embarrassed and heartbroken (my housekeeper)They apparently tried to make it look like a break in. I did find out where they sold it and fortunately I know the owners. I did purchase them back at what they paid for it and keeping the copy of the inventory in case we press charges. I’m thinking of making them pay me back. This person has been having what sounds to me like a mental meltdown so I want this person to get help, I don’t think she has insurance, she lives from paycheck to paycheck. She has cleaned for me almost 15 years and never once did she even snitched a penny. I will see how this person steps up, I hurt for my essential, she is a friend and almost like family.
I get all that but you do not deserve to be ripped off and in fact should be made whole. Good for her for fessing up though, that must have been tough for her.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
The person actually called to confess and offered to pay me back and apologized, they are going to get help as well. I felt so horrible for my essential/ friend, she was feeling worse then me. Prayerfully this will be what forces them to get the help She/he needs.
On a HAPPY note, I came home
from my 1/2 way point in my
radiation treatments to the most
beautiful vase of multi-colored
roses on my desk! Apparently,
DH has been keeping track of
how many more treatments I
have, and he wanted to celebrate!
Not only that, but he also took us
out to dinner at a lovely Italian
restaurant. Chicken parm and a
nice glass of white wine. Wonderful
way to start the holiday weekend.
We'll be staying close to home - no
parties for us.
So glad that you were able to get your stuff back. It’s heartbreaking our belongings are stolen and trust is broken. You might want to consider a small safe for your jewelry. After our break-in and losing my jewelry, DH bought me a small, hidden wall safe that is very convenient to use.
Lindley, So glad that you were able to get your stuff back. It’s heartbreaking our belongings are stolen and trust is broken. You might want to consider a small safe for your jewelry. After our break-in and losing my jewelry, DH bought me a small, hidden wall safe that is very convenient to use.
Good idea, we do have a gun safe so I’m going to use that for now
On a HAPPY note, I came home from my 1/2 way point in my radiation treatments to the most beautiful vase of multi-colored roses on my desk! Apparently, DH has been keeping track of how many more treatments I have, and he wanted to celebrate! Not only that, but he also took us out to dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant. Chicken parm and a nice glass of white wine. Wonderful way to start the holiday weekend. We'll be staying close to home - no parties for us.
Momola that was so nice and it is great to hear about your treatments.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
Lindley, So glad that you were able to get your stuff back. It’s heartbreaking our belongings are stolen and trust is broken. You might want to consider a small safe for your jewelry. After our break-in and losing my jewelry, DH bought me a small, hidden wall safe that is very convenient to use.
Good idea, we do have a gun safe so I’m going to use that for now
I have a few safes. Don't want to leave anything to chance.
Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
The person actually called to confess and offered to pay me back and apologized, they are going to get help as well. I felt so horrible for my essential/ friend, she was feeling worse then me. Prayerfully this will be what forces them to get the help She/he needs.
I'm so glad you got your jewelry back, Lindley. I hope the person gets help. You are a kind person, to be so understanding.