I'm going to look at houses and apply for some online jobs today. And take a nap. Also have to install zoom on my phone so I can see my DD when she goes into labor. We're getting close!
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Good morning! Just got through
with Zoom Church. Still seems
strange not to be able to hug our
friends during the Peace
Radiation is kicking my butt - the
itching is worse than with giant
hives, and I'm red from neck to
navel! But I have to look at this
positively - it means that the
radiation is working. Silvadine
is helping with the "sunburn" and
a really powerful Rx is helping
with the itching - but it makes me
very very sleepy, so I'll only take
it in the evening.
Good afternoon! Your lunch sounds delicious fwm, hello ikwtd, sb,fnw and njn, I’m so sorry you are going threw this momala and Prayers for you to find relief.
Had #1 grandson stay the night last night, took him out to eat and of course target to get a lego kit for him and grandpa to put together, made him pancakes for his breakfast and took him to Church with us.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Thanks, Geeks. All the good wishes
help more than you can know.
DH is trying to distract me, so we
are going fishing overnight. Good
friends will stay overnight at the
same motel, and the three of them
will go in our boat. I'll stay at the
motel, and read, sleep, do crafts,
and put together hors d'oeuvres
for when they come back, then
we'll all go out to dinner - socially
distanced, of course!