Mom and I will head to Columbus tomorrow morning. Trudy is coming up from Cincinnati, and we will spend the weekend with Carolyn and Jason. Jason will take my Mom back to Campbell on Sunday...and I will drive to DesMoines. Monday, I will hang out with Monica and Jack. And, Tuesday morning, I will run for home.
It's been a great trip. Mom is so excited to be getting out of the house for the weekend! I know we'll have a good time in Columbus.
Trudy ~
Have you tried one of those
clear plastic shields that are
attached to a foam head-band?
A nurse friend of mine says it
is a God-send! You can breathe
easier, and people can "see"
what you are saying, especially
those who might depend on lip
I am very slightly hard of hearing and I didn't realize how much I depended on lip reading until all this started.
“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou