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Post Info TOPIC: Friday! October 16th


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Friday! October 16th

We made it!


Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Happy Friday, Good Geeks!

No more Today Show for me. Not until they get rid of that PoS who was the so called moderator of President Trump's Town Hall.furious

Chilly start to the day, here. Only heading for a high of 72. Warmer temps are coming back for the weekend, but nothing too bad.

Cate is coming down to play. She will get me out of my bad mood.wink

Other than a few chores, not much else is going on.

Wayne took half a day off yesterday, and voted early. If the line isn't too long, I might try it this afternoon. (Turn out has been really high in North Texas. Some folks have waited over 2 hours to vote.)

That's the latest from Fort Worth.

How about you?

I hope everyone has a good day!smile


(I deleted my Friday thread, Trudy. I guess we were typing at the same time!biggrin)


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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LOL! Great minds!



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Good morning! Hello Trudy and FWM, I agree fwm, she definitely was trying to goad the President into losing his temper and to get a gotcha moment. Biden received soft questions and a lot of commercials. I don’t have much planned today, just getting my nails and toes done.



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I didn't see Trump but I caught the last half hour of Biden and they would give him one question then go to a commercial. I suspect they were getting the next question before it was asked and prepping him during that time. Only one question at a time? Sheesh.



Frozen Sucks!

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I just ate some candy corn and then sneezed. Had to change my top.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!



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I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

I just ate some candy corn and then sneezed. Had to change my top.

 BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!   I had to put down a rule in our house:  Don't try to make someone laugh while they are eating.



Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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FNW wrote:

I didn't see Trump but I caught the last half hour of Biden and they would give him one question then go to a commercial. I suspect they were getting the next question before it was asked and prepping him during that time. Only one question at a time? Sheesh.

 LOL...they must think the American people are too stupid to see through their schemes to help Biden win.disbelief

 As far as SG is concerned...I can only hope the the ratings for the Today Show, go right in to the toilet...where they belong.furious


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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FNW wrote:

I didn't see Trump but I caught the last half hour of Biden and they would give him one question then go to a commercial. I suspect they were getting the next question before it was asked and prepping him during that time. Only one question at a time? Sheesh.

 I know, the media are practically declaring Biden winning the Presidency, I just don’t see it,  with all the Hunter junk and Biden obviously struggling unless they help him.  


Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Lindley wrote:
FNW wrote:

I didn't see Trump but I caught the last half hour of Biden and they would give him one question then go to a commercial. I suspect they were getting the next question before it was asked and prepping him during that time. Only one question at a time? Sheesh.

 I know, the media are practically declaring Biden winning the Presidency, I just don’t see it,  with all the Hunter junk and Biden obviously struggling unless they help him.  

 If you recall...they said Hillary had a double digit lead in the polls,  going into the last election.


My husband is predicting a landslide victory for Trump. biggrin

And, while I think he might be a little overly optimistic...I do think Trump will win.wink


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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I hope he’s right, my husband says the same thing. I just can’t believe people would rather have Biden with a most likely Chance of not being able to complete his term and have a Marxist President Harris.


I love your husbands positivity 

-- Edited by Lindley on Friday 16th of October 2020 04:14:44 PM


Great cook-happy wife-superb fisherman

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Don't have to use either the heat
or the A/C - just have windows on
opposite sides of the house open
all the way - wonderful breeze!
Temps in the mid 70's. Love the
climate here in south Texas!

I love helping people

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Lindley wrote:

I hope he’s right, my husband says the same thing. I just can’t believe people would rather have Biden with a most likely Chance of not being able to complete his term and have a Marxist President Harris.


I love your husbands positivity 

-- Edited by Lindley on Friday 16th of October 2020 04:14:44 PM

 Lindley, Wayne has never been wrong. He has a way, of calling these things. wink (Don't ask me how...he just does.)

I suspect, your husband, is good at it, too!smile



Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!



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I agree with your DH's. I think it will be a landslide.



Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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FNW wrote:

I agree with your DH's. I think it will be a landslide.

 I hope you're right...along with our husbands, FNW.

I don't want to hear the whining, if the election is close.cry


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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I get really nervous at election time, especially seeing who Trump is running against, man who is 79 and not as robust or may have dementia with a running mate who is more on the Marxist beliefs. Apparently Biden had a huge audience last night and they are talking how far ahead he is in the polls. I just don’t see it, I was surprised that he won the nomination. They were wrong about the polls last time though, hopefully Trump will win in a huge landslide and senate will keep their seats (Republican) and gain more and Republicans win majority seats in Congress and kick Nancy out.


Frozen Sucks!

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Lindley wrote:

I get really nervous at election time, especially seeing who Trump is running against, man who is 79 and not as robust or may have dementia with a running mate who is more on the Marxist beliefs. Apparently Biden had a huge audience last night and they are talking how far ahead he is in the polls. I just don’t see it, I was surprised that he won the nomination. They were wrong about the polls last time though, hopefully Trump will win in a huge landslide and senate will keep their seats (Republican) and gain more and Republicans win majority seats in Congress and kick Nancy out.

 Bidenn won nothing. He was chosen by Pelosi and the gang for whatever reason.  Conservatives do not participate in polls for the most part.Trumps base is more energized and add 10% to Trump's numbers for sure.


Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Nothing's Impossible

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Just went to the grocery store and there was about 20 people standing on both sides of the road holding Trump signs. A few signs said “honk for Trump”. People were going nuts honking like crazy. One guys was dressed up as Trump, wig included.


A person's a person no matter how small.

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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President Trump, might not be the most likable guy around.

But, he's way more honest, than the Democrats, and the liberal media. (JMHO)

President Trump, will keep the economy was going great, before the pandemic hit. I think, he will get it going, again.

President Trump, won't raise taxes. (Biden, a heart beat.)cry

Oh, back to the start of the pandemic?  What were the Democrats doing?

Not giving a care about us...the people of the US.

Nope. They were more interested in trying to Impeach, President Trump. Than paying attention, to the virus, that was coming over, from China. 

President Trump, stopped that, as quick as possible. (And, the Dems, will still try to bust him, on this? Really?)

What a sad, bunch of, (gosh, I can't even say it. You know what I mean.)cry

Again, Just My Humble Opinion.

And, opinions are like bellybuttons....everyone has one!biggrin

I hope the American people, are smarter than the liberal media. 

Fingers crossed...prayers said.




Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!


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I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

I just ate some candy corn and then sneezed. Had to change my top.

  Did it come out your nose? 



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FWM, I've never liked that Savanah Guthrie from the getgo when she first hit the scene. She thinks she's a hard-hitting journalist. hahahaha I haven't watched the Today Show in decades. I'm not all that fond of GMA right now either. Both networks are so far up Biden's arse it's not funny!



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Lindley wrote:

I get really nervous at election time, especially seeing who Trump is running against, man who is 79 and not as robust or may have dementia with a running mate who is more on the Marxist beliefs. Apparently Biden had a huge audience last night and they are talking how far ahead he is in the polls. I just don’t see it, I was surprised that he won the nomination. They were wrong about the polls last time though, hopefully Trump will win in a huge landslide and senate will keep their seats (Republican) and gain more and Republicans win majority seats in Congress and kick Nancy out.

 I saw a report about his visit to AZ the other day and the reporter said no one was there. All the cars that went into the parking lot were Biden staffers. LOL 


Frozen Sucks!

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Forever Sunshine wrote:
I know what to do_sometimes wrote:

I just ate some candy corn and then sneezed. Had to change my top.

  Did it come out your nose? 



Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.

Frozen is the bestest movie ever, NOT!

Mod/Penguin lover/Princess!

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Posts: 13089

Forever Sunshine wrote:

FWM, I've never liked that Savanah Guthrie from the getgo when she first hit the scene. She thinks she's a hard-hitting journalist. hahahaha I haven't watched the Today Show in decades. I'm not all that fond of GMA right now either. Both networks are so far up Biden's arse it's not funny!

 FS, she showed her true colors. 

For shame. At least, try to show some respect, for our President, no matter how far left you might swing.

Gosh, were supposed to be a moderator,  "Do you understand, what that means?'

Guess not.furious

She thought she should debate, the President.disbelief


While, on ABC, Stephapolous, tossed soft balls at Biden...and had commercial bring him up to speed.

Did anyone buy that? Couldn't see right through it?

Just asking.wink


Ohioan by birth, Texan by choice!



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I could see right through it, FWM. One question, answered, then commercial. I only caught the last 30 minutes and that is what I saw. No doubt during the commercial break they were getting the next question lined up and preparing him for his answer. Such a farce.



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