Good morning! Glad your fur baby is doing better fwm, Prayers for #1 fnw, hello Trudy and the rest of the geeks.
I think I’m getting old, baby girl has started crawling now and is on the move, she is my last grand baby so I’m trying to enjoy cuddling her, while tutoring oldest grandson and chasing a two year old little stinker. Next Sunday, my dad and family will arrive to spend a month, so I may not have much time to be here. It would be good to see my grand girls and baby grandson, hopefully he will like me this time :)
Trudy is correct. This was taken 2 hours ago and still coming down and blowing. Have over an inch. Not unusual to have snow in October but it will be gone tomorrow.
I've just spent the last six hours
on the phone, giving my new debit
card number to my companies that
do automatic pay. Some of them
are easy, but most of them are very
user unfriendly. The hoops we have
to jump through when our bank
issues us a new card ... grr! :(