It's very windy here and the lights keep flickering. Then my laptop died and I was on hold with the help desk when I figured out it wasn't getting a charge so I plugged in a different outlet. Voila!
I had it plugged into a three way adapter and the other item plugged in works so it's baffling to me that the computer wouldn't work. Especially considering it's been plugged in to that three way for a couple years without a problem. But alas, I guess it doesn't like it now. Weird. But at least I can work now and don't have to schlep it into to Maryland for a new one.
I'm SOOO tired of all the viscous
political ads ... instead of telling
us what they would do on various
topics, they are only telling us
what their opponent did, or would
or wouldn't do.
I agree, momala. It's hard to figure out who wants to do what or what plan they might have to institute what they want to do. Politics has definitely fallen way short in the last few years. And, you can't even count on the MSM to give us the straight dope on anything any more. It's sooooo disheartening!
Evening, folks! It sure was a bad hair day around here. A definite flag-flapper for sure. I cannot believe how windy it has been all day. Thankfully it has subsided now that the sun's set.
When I left for work this morning, around 6:40, it was snowing! ARGH! Now, this snow was not sticking to any roads, just the grass. I got to the end of the parking lot ready to pull out on to the road and a car was coming so I waited. It was an SUV type vehicle with what looked like a 40ish year old woman driving. I giggled as she past as she was white knuckling the wheel and doing ten miles per hour. UGH! Thankfully, she pulled over to let the rest of us go by her.
I had a short day today, just four hours. I went to look at an apartment in our downtown area. It was super cool with lots of character. It's an old tabacco building where in 1850 they used to roll cigars. Real hardwood floors, ceramic floors in the kitchen and bathroom, real wood cabinets in the kitchen. Old brick walls, cool beams and lots of natural light. Oh, and it's own washer / dryer. Unfortunately, it wasn't nearly big enough for what furniture I have and am not willing to give up just yet. If I were a young person just starting out though . . . I'd have taken it. It kind of reminded me of an apt I might see in NYC. The owner owns about six other buildings in the downtown area and is in the process of rehabbing another with office on first floor and two apartments, one on second floor and one on third. Another building he has he said has one second floor apartment that is 2200 sq ft. WOW! A single man, a truck driver, has lived there for eleven years. I gave him my name and number so when he has any others opening up, he said he'd call.
Anyway, that's my day. I stopped at one of our local Italian restaurants and grabbed dinner on the way home. I'm settling in now, all comfy cozy, and going to watch The Voice later. I'm off work tomorrow so, I plan to vote early, do some work around here and then a Dr appt late afternoon. Just a checkup, nothing wrong.
Hi all!
Worked more OT today. It’s a bit chilly, currently 47 degrees! Brrr! My iPhone updated and I’m not sure what to do with the new features.
Yawn, it’s going to take a while to adjust to the time change.