I got an appt for my mother to get her vaccine this Sunday. She's a basket case because it's the J&J one. Ugh. I can't win. Personally, if I had to get one it would be the J&J one because it's traditional. I am leery of the mRNA technology.
She seems okay with it now. She just doesn't know anyone else who got it so she feels like she'll be first, even though I reminded her thousands participated in the trial before her.
I got word today from work that it's 100% effective against death and hospitalizations, 85% effective against severe disease, and 75% effective against mild to moderate symptoms.
Isn't there an ancient Chinese curse
that says "may your days be
DH got a message from AT&T, saying
that his auto pay for his phone was
denied. After a loooonnngg wait on
the phone, finally got someone live.
Said it was due to insufficient funds.
No way, no how could this be the
case, so DH and I hightailed it to
the bank. Turns out the bank had
closed his card because of fraudulent
activity. It would have been nice if
they had contacted us!
Anyway, they gave him a new card,
and replaced the money. My card
was never impacted. Two very,
very nice young ladies walked us
through everything that needed to
be done, so we are good for the
time being.
Never did see what the fraudulent
activity was, and we are very, very
careful about our cards.
Interesting indeed momala! My bank did that once. I was checking out at sams club and my card got denied. Turns out there were two charges in two different cities within an hour. It's a two hour drive between cities and the time it was charged there was a hurricane. I had no clue until denied. I'm glad they helped you quickly!
FNW, I would have gotten the J&J vaccination if it had been available when I got mine.