Sunny here and breezy. The boys are off today so I'm taking them to the movies this afternoon. #2 wants to see Tom & Jerry, and #1 wants his own popcorn. He likes to wait and save it for the show, and #2 & I like to eat ours right away while it's still warm. So......
Your #1 sounds like me, I prefer to wait for the movie and my husband would gobble the popcorn up before the movie started, so I quit sharing with him. Movie popcorn sounds so good right now.
Our theater did one free refill on large popcorn, pre covid. We would see people sit down. Dump all the popcorn in a baggie or two and go back up and get a refill. Kinda piggy but it’s so expensive, why not. Then everyone could eat at their own leisure.
Movie popcorn is best eaten while warm, smothered in butter and salt. :D
It's a pretty nice day here with lots of sunshine but temps are mild and the wind is gusting. I'm tired of the wind. Worked half a day today, did a bit of grocery shopping as we do a thing called Fantastic Fridays where we run really great sales. The "large size" cereals are half price. Dungess Crab clusters for $8 and much more. The nice thing is too, even with great sales, they accept all the coupons for the stuff too.
Going to putz around the apartment this afternoon. Not sure what's for dinner. Maybe some baked haddock.
Movie was dumb but the popcorn was good. #1 didn't even finish his so I brought it home. #2 decided he would hold on to his own mask and it ended up on the floor under his chair. Oh well. I told him if he gets covid he better not give it to me. LOL