Trudy! Are those goldfish wiggling as you swallow or did you chop their heads off first?
I just got in from work about 45 minutes ago. Heated up a slice of pizza and am now munching on some pringles. It's been miserably raining since before dawn but I'm not complaining because my flower bulbs have really shot up. I can't wait for them to spring their flowers.
Today is my 15th day of no smoking! Yes, I'm attempting to quit yet again. This time, I think I'll make it. It's time to start using that extra money to pay down some debt and then sock it away in the savings for a nice vacation. I'm just tired of smoking and wasting money. Anyway, it's good to me home, snuggled in with this miserable day. Gonna do a few small chores and then relax.
Figuring one pack a day,
@ $5 a pack, you've already
saved $75! That's awesome!
When my Father stopped (cold
turkey) at my request for my
16th birthday, he found that
he needed to keep his hands
busy, so I got him a ring of
worry beads, to keep in his
pocket. Something like this
might help you.
So, so proud of you. I know
this is difficult, but you've
got it!
Figuring one pack a day, @ $5 a pack, you've already saved $75! That's awesome!
When my Father stopped (cold turkey) at my request for my 16th birthday, he found that he needed to keep his hands busy, so I got him a ring of worry beads, to keep in his pocket. Something like this might help you.
So, so proud of you. I know this is difficult, but you've got it!
Thanks, ladies! Momala, it's hard to go cold turkey, at least for me. My Mother did it cold turkey too. But, she used the cut-back method and then just stopped one day.
It's actually almost $10 a pack. I figured I spent almost $300 / month on them so that's a really nice savings. Actually, that savings is paying for medicare and supplements. It really grizzles me that seniors have to pay for this when they've paid into medicare through tax deductions their whole careers. Anyway, I'm taking chantix so that's helping with the withdrawal symptoms. I have a three-month supply of it but I'm going to stop after the first month and see how it goes. I really hate taking any sort of meds like this.
I noticed I'm napping more than usual. I figure it's my way of avoiding the craving. lol Hey, whatever works! I also find I have the hand I used to smoke with covering my mouth, which is odd since I've never been one to put my hands on my face let alone cover my mouth for long periods of time. hahaha Thankfully, I'm not eating more or snacking more to replace the motion or craving.
So, the rain has stopped finally. It's just a light misting now. I bought some Panera Lobster Bisque Soup today as I had some coupons so that'll be supper tonight.