Good morning fwm and Trudy, still tired after this weekend, went to my grandson’s soccer game and got to see him kick his first goal 💕. Going to have lunch with a friend today, some laundry and clean out the fridge. Looks like a exciting day.
Afternoon. Finished working at noon, shopped for a few things, home and had lunch. Opened up all the windows and doors. Going to dig through the outdoor closet for the garden funnies and solar lights. Still no flowers blooming yet but the plants themselves are getting pretty tall. The Forsythia is starting to leaf out so it won't be long for the yellow blooms all over the mountain sides and yards. Spring has definitely sprung.
Oh, FS ~
How I miss the forsythia!
None of the seed catalogues
have any forsythia - I guess
they think it is not worth
planting. I remember going
on the highways in NY & NJ
in the early spring, and all
you could see was a blaze
of yellow!
I also miss pussywillows.
We had a "tree" in our front
yard. It is usually a bush,
but I got a branch, and
got it rooted, so it grew
into a tree. Shallow roots,
but that didn't make any
I know that crocus and hyacinth and a few others are the first signs of Spring but for me, it's when I see all the yellow! lol I wish I could send you some. It's all over the place here. Would you be able to grow it where you are?
We actually sold small weeping pussywillow trees at the store for $22. I've been tempted to purchase one for the last three years but not sure where I'd plant it once it got too big to be indoors. I love them but they're not a common sight around here for some reason.