Gloomy here. I feel pretty good, but I have been taking Tylenol since last evening. I will now see if once it wears off how I feel. But so far, so good. Now I understand they are pausing the JJ vaccine. hmmmmm.....they're sure pushing the mRNA.
Everything is being pushed so fast,
we don't have enough history on
these vaccines. DH and I both got
ours (Moderma for me, J & J for DH).
He had no reaction, but I got the chills
and shakes so badly for two days that
I lost two pounds. (I hope I don't find
them, again :) )
Made 3 pans of lasagna today,
one HUGE one for the Masons
tonight, and two for home, one
to eat and one to freeze.
My Eastern Star chapter hosted
the Masonic Lodge, and their
families, tonight. My pan will
serve 18 or more, and there
should be another one from
another sister.
Here's a hint on how to put on
the ricotta cheese when making
a lasagna.
Put down the first layer of noodles,
and then cover with a layer of ricotta,
but don't waste your time trying to
put a little bit here, and a little bit there.
Instead, use a disposable forcing/piping
bag, and make a zig-zag layer of cheese
all along each noodle. And clean-up is
a breeze!