GG had to go deal with the prostate. 17 samples. He was woozzy waiting for a cab. Then he pasted out right on the street! I could have cried. This huge guy picked him up. Put him in the cab. I cry typing this.
GG had to go deal with the prostate. 17 samples. He was woozzy waiting for a cab. Then he pasted out right on the street! I could have cried. This huge guy picked him up. Put him in the cab. I cry typing this.
Oh my! Hope he feels better
later this morning. Thankful
that the medics saw it happen,
and ran to help. Keep an eye
on him. Sometimes the bigger
they are, the more they need
some cuddling and TLC.
We're in the midst of a severe hail
warning - all of Wilson County, just
east of San Antonio, until 10:45
tonight. We've had massive amounts
of rain - even the truckers went down
to 25 mph on I-10. Glad I stopped to
get gas on my way up to Soul Stitchers,
at Church. We're making prayer shawls
and other goodies to give away. It was
great to sit and talk with our friends,
sans masks!
With all this rain, we'll see if the roofing
company did a good job on our rental
house next door.