“You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise!” ― Maya Angelou
Good morning! Enjoy your visit with your mom fwm, hello fnw and good luck on your shots Trudy and njn...
Rainy here, supposed to get my windows cleaned, we’ll see. Don’t have my grandchildren this week, other grandparents are visiting and I needed a break.
Today is going to be REALLY
interesting. Someone in the
area was digging, and took
out a main water line! The
water company is on site,
and they hope to have us
back on line by 5:00. Its a
good thing I always have
water in the fridge, and
extra gallons in the barn.
Don't know what the rest
of the area will be doing
for water (flushing, dishes,
etc.) I guess that's when
you bring out the paper
The water company finally got
their act together, and we have
(dirty) water, with low pressure.
Yes, I understand they had a big
problem, but give us enough
pressure to keep the dirt from
settling in our hot water heaters.