The boys are shadowing at their future high school today. I think they were a little nervous/excited. The priest there is Justice Scalia's son. The SS teacher was their SS teacher from middle school. He is now at the high school. Nice to see a familiar face.
High school?? Whoa! Very exciting!
Brother is heading back to the main hospital. Keeps exhibiting seizure activity. I hope they get it figured out. Hope everyone had a good day.
FNW, you’re boy’s are getting ready for high school? They were babies a few years ago! Hope they had a wonderful experience today.
SB, hope your brother is improving. Sorry you are all dealing with the stress.
Hi to FWM and Lindley!!!
Hair trimmed, eyebrows brought under control today. Good way to get a few good laughs and a moral boost after a phone conference. I’m starting to dread all the conferences I get myself into. Wonder who’s fault that is..🤔
Anyway my cell phone didn’t loose this page!!
Hope you all had a wonderful fall day!
I drink coffee so I don't kill you.
I quilt so I don't kill you.
Do you see a theme?
Faith isn't something that keeps bad things from happening. Faith is what helps us get through bad things when they do happen.