We're getting a ton of rain and wind today. I anticipate some power outages. The boys' fieldtrip was rescheduled, so they are home today. All. day. And DH & I have to work so they are playing video games and watching youtube. I may take a break and play a board game or hold a chess tournament with them later.
Great news, FNW!
It makes you proud when
one of yours does so well.
SB ~ 114 hours?! Is that
for two weeks? That's a
lot of time. You deserve
a break.
My computer desk smells
absolutely FABULOUS!
While I was at Church, DH
trimmed his rose bushes, and
put 2 pink half-way opened,
one peach bud, and one 6"
fully opened rose in an
elegant water bottle vase
and put it on my desk.