We got a little rain during the night, but no severe weather. Yay!
Jupie woke me up 3 times to go out. Back door trots. Poor thing must have a little stomach bug. I'm going to make her some boiled chicken and rice, and hopefully that will fix up her tummy distress.
Cate is coming down. We'll probably do some work in the garden.
We got a nice rain yesterday which will be good for the tomatoes I planted. Took #2 clothes shopping and picked up some clothes for #1 as well. Both will need it when they are away.
Had dinner at my parents' house and #1 started self harming with the ping pong paddle so we came home. We really need to hear back from residential, it's hell for all of us watching him go through this without any help.
And I heard him riffling around in the kitchen today and came in but he was back on the sofa and noticed his wrist brace was back on. Checked his phone while he was at his neurofeedback appt and he took pictures of the slices he made today on his wrists. He really needs help.
When I saw his cuts at dinner and asked him about it, he could see I was angry and ran away. Barefoot, he ran about 4 miles to a parking garage where he went to about the 7th floor level. DH had driven to a parking area near the bike path he was running on and followed him on foot to the garage. He kept his distance but #1 knew he was there and eventually agreed to come home with him. Police came out. It was a mess.