Sunday Football, the new Church for Men?
Sunday Is for Football Men have reasons for not going to church. By Nicholas FrankovichAbout AuthorArchiveLatestRSSFollow (Alessandroguerriero/Dreamstime) PrintText Comments 9 More Americans will watch the Super Bowl this Sunday than go to church, to judge from recent Nielsen rating...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Dear Miss Manners: No Help with Baby
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I've been pleasantly surprised with how strangers have treated me during both of my pregnancies. They open doors, carry groceries, offer well wishes -- this list goes on and on. The issue is that as soon as I've had the baby and am wrestling with the baby carrier, diaper bag, strolle...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Dear Harriette: I Don't Want to Watch my Neighbor's Cat
DEAR HARRIETTE: My neighbor is going to the funeral of one of her family members, and it's out of town. She came to me the other day to ask if I would watch her cat while she is away. I am allergic to cats, so I told her no. But even if I were not allergic, I think that is a whole lot to ask. I know that there are kenn...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Dear Carolyn: Brother Didn't "enjoy" the Wedding
Dear Carolyn: My daughter got married recently. It was a simple affair in a rural setting, just the way she and her fiancee wanted (and planned). I thought it was lovely. My husband’s brother told my husband that if he had known in advance what the wedding would be like, he might not have come. Please h...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Finally Friday!
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It's been a week...not as bad as the dog almost freezing to death & broken tooth week, but close. I'm off today. flan
To the Parent of the Unvaccinated Child Who Exposed my Family to Measles
This is a guest post written by a fellow pediatric provider in our local healthcare community here in Arizona. I was extremely saddened to read of his children’s recent exposure to measles due the Disneyland outbreak. To read about my journey leaving the anti-vaccination movement, click here. To...
College Bans Mr. and Mrs.
Lady Gaga Snerd
Freeland Foods Recalls Sunflower Seed
Freeland Foods Voluntarily Recalls Sunflower Seed Due to Potential Health Risk Contact: Consumer: 1-877-456-8729 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — January 29, 2015 — Freeland Foods, Inc. of San Jose, CA is voluntarily recalling the Go Raw Organic Sunflower Seed, UPC number 8 59888 00009 7 with lot number...
Dear Abby: Sign from Above?
DEAR ABBY: Mom passed away five years ago, and Dad died four months ago. For the last years of his life Dad was hoping we'd move into their home. It's a beautiful place in a country setting with lots of trees, including pecan trees. We were undecided. After Dad died, my husband and I were at home making al...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Pride of Szeged Sweet Hungarian Paprika
Spiceco Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Peanut Allergen in 5 Oz. Containers of Pride of Szeged Sweet Hungarian Paprika Lot # 091617PAHU05PS Contact: Consumer: (732)499-9070 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — January 29, 2015 — Spiceco of Avenel, NJ is recalling PRIDE OF SZEGED SWEET HUNGARIAN PAPRIKA b...
(CDC) Health Matters for Women[TM] E-Newsletter Update
I’m 26 and want to stop working.
Very Early RetirementI’m 26 and want to stop working. Can I ask my boyfriend to support me?By Emily Yoffe Emily YoffePhoto by Teresa Castracane. Get Dear Prudence delivered to your inbox each week; click here to sign up. Please send your questions for publication to prudence@slate.com. (Questi...
Mitt is running for President. And now he's not.....
Mitt Romney will call senior donors at 11am EST Friday to give them “an update” on his campaign plans. Sources have told The Daily Beast that the former Massachusetts governor will announce his intention to explore a third run for the White House. Romney and his senior aides believe he is the best plac...
School Made Kids Pull Down Pants for Feces Inspection
School Made 11-Year-Old Girls Pull Down Their Pants for Disgusting Inspection"I felt uncomfortable and I didn't want to do it"Robby Soave|Jan. 28, 2015 6:53 pm Email MyFox8Parents are furious with administrators at a public school in Gustine, Texas, after learning that their kid...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Suspended for Winning?
Suspended for Winning?High school basketball coach receives two game suspension following 161-2 WinPost published by Warrick Wood MSc. on Jan 27, 2015 in The Coach-Athlete RelationshipSHARETWEETSHAREEMAIL A high school basketball coach in Southern California was suspended recently foll...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Dear Harriette: I Don't Like My Job
DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a recent college graduate, and now I work as an investment banker for one of the top global investment banks. I studied finance during college and figured this would be a commendable career path. However, almost eight months in, I have come to the conclusion that this is truly not...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Dear Abby: Teacher has Seizure
DEAR ABBY: Last week, I had a seizure in front of my fourth-grade students. This has never happened to me before, so I had never spoken to my students about such a thing. I want to write them and their families a letter expressing my apologies, thanking them for their kind thoughts and giving basic advic...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Guys try to use drunkeness as defense to rape
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A jury convicted two ex-Vanderbilt football players on Tuesday of raping a former student, rejecting claims that they were too drunk to know what they were doing and that a college culture of binge drinking and promiscuous sex should be blamed for the attack. The jury deliber...
Dear Abby: Waitress with a Tongue Ring.
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DEAR ABBY: Our waitress in a mid-level chain restaurant was friendly and helpful, but her tongue was pierced with a stud. It impaired her speech, making her hard to understand and it was visible every time she spoke. We are pretty liberal about most things, but it was difficult for us to enjoy our meal....
Lady Gaga Snerd
Happy Birthday Ruby Bridges!
Happy 60th birthday to Ruby Bridges! As a six-year-old, Ruby Bridges famously became the first African American child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in the South. When the 1st grader walked to William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans on November 14, 1960 surrounded by a team...
Today: The Friends and Family Discount
Today: The Friends and Family Discount RSSDear Car Talk Jan 27, 2015 (Archives)7 CommentsparentsDear Car Talk: My 15-year-old son replaced the bulb for my rear turn signal on my 2011 Buick Enclave. He researched it on the Internet, completed it in a timely manner and cleaned up after himself. He w...
NYC settles lawsuit by man with machete
NYC settles lawsuit by man with machete who was shot and wounded by copsUpdated January 29, 2015 9:31 PM By ANTHONY M. DESTEFANO anthony.destefano@newsday.com60 Reprints + -In this Dec. 19, 2014, file photo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, left, and New York City Police Department Commission...
Dear Prudence - two small lumps in one of her breasts
Dear Prudence, My wife is CEO of a small company and puts in long hours; we’re both textbook workaholics. A few weeks ago, she mentioned that she’d been noticing two small lumps in one of her breasts for a couple of months, but she hadn’t had them examined because she didn’t have time. Since then, I’ve b...
Yes, they actually posted instructions for this. Ladies Room Etiquette
DH & I went to one of the newer Chinese buffets here. Neither of us felt like cooking and we had a coupon. I headed to the ladies room and saw this posted on the wall in the stall. I thought of the Peeps and had to take a picture. Apparently, the men's room did not have similar instructions. I sent D...
Totally Thursday
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Wow, I'm awake! Not happy about either.
just Czech
Things Girls Say to Test Men
Ohio Teacher Gets Felony Convictions for Showing Graphic Movie in Class
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Ohio Teacher Gets Felony Convictions for Showing Graphic Movie in Class AP/The Columbus Dispatch, Chris Russellby Warner Todd Huston16 Jan 2015Columbus, OH A former high school substitute teacher in Ohio has been convicted of four counts of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles by sho...
Lady Gaga Snerd
Dear Abby: My Parents are Swingers
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DEAR ABBY: A short time ago, I discovered my parents are "swingers." I had picked up my mother's phone to take a picture and an incoming text caught my attention. When I read it and investigated further, I learned the truth. I don't mind what they do with their marriage, and I respect their c...
Lady Gaga Snerd
What do you want right now?
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As in, in this moment? I want spaghetti, but I am not motivated to make it, plus I already packed all my frying pans. I also want a cup of tea, and a warm kitty on my lap. The tea will be ready in about five minutes, the cats are weirded out by the boxes and in hiding. I wouldn't mind having the next season of Cas...
Dona Worry Be Happy
Dear Abby: 27 Yr old Hasn't learned to Drive Yet
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DEAR ABBY: We have a 27-year-old nephew who lives at home with his parents. He is a good guy, but he doesn't drive. He has no physical or mental impairments that we are aware of, and all of his numerous family members have offered to teach him. But his nonchalant attitude toward learning has made everyo...
Lady Gaga Snerd